This is usually one of the first concepts that comes to mind when considering any service-architected offering. A DaaS should be highly scalable, adjusting capacity as needed during operations. In workforce and CIAM use cases, access to the backend directory ebbs and flows in a fairly predictable rhythm.
For the workforce use case, open enrollment periods, tax season, and employee reviews cause workers to log into the portal, which means the backend directory gets extra attention. This is in addition to the regular directory service traffic from source systems related to add, modify, and delete operations.
In the CIAM use case, scaling is essential to manage increases in load associated with customer-oriented events such as sales and special events.
Cloud connectivity
More and more applications offer cloud-first architectures through services such as APIs, SDKs, and SCIM-based connections. Connections are more efficient and secure when executed from cloud to cloud because they are well encrypted and use more direct links.
All organizations have some sort of high-availability/disaster recovery plan, and while cloud services can go down, properly architected cloud solutions offer excellent strategies. Ping creates highly available services when using multiple operating regions and zones. With the mature cloud services today, organizations can easily create reliable systems that are secure and compliant solutions.