a good thing!
Securely manage identity and profile data at scale.
Whether you’re managing customer, employee or partner identities, it’s critical to have a modern data store that’s tailored for identity attributes—enabling you to deliver unified user profiles and a single source of truth across your enterprise.
Your customers expect you to prove you really know them by delivering personalized interactions across in-person and digital channels and giving them the ability to view and manage their own profile.
Your user identity data is one of the most valuable resources you have. Unfortunately, it’s also a target for attackers. It’s imperative that you keep your user data safe with a directory solution that can bring your data together, protect it from attacks and encrypt it in every state.
Once you’ve established your master user record, you can choose to decommission fragile legacy data stores to lighten your management load and reduce your attack surface at the same time.
Ping’s directory solution enables you to:
Bidirectionally synchronize existing data stores, including Microsoft Active Directory, LDAPv3, SCIM 2.0, RDBMS, MDM, CRM and more
Augment your existing user profiles with structured and unstructured application-specific attributes
Deliver access to a unified profile through developer-friendly REST APIs
Optimize load balancing, rate limiting and data transformation with an integrated proxy
Most enterprise and legacy on-premise apps still access directories using LDAP; however, cloud or SaaS provisioning usually expects SCIM and REST APIs. A modern directory is both legacy compatible and future-proof.
With support for all the ways apps expect to access directories plus the ability to mimic proprietary directory behavior and support flexible JSON schemas, a modern directory is able to quickly consolidate your identity silos.
A modern directory scales to handle millions of entries with sub-millisecond latency and extremely high availability—which is critical for environments where seconds and minutes matter.
Imagine how frustrating it is for customers to update their address on your web app, then have to update it again once they log into your mobile app.
But creating a single source of truth in a centralized directory is anything but a slam dunk when you have multiple identity repositories supporting various production applications. If your enterprise is like most, you’ve added new apps and channels over time and additional data silos to support them.
You need a modern high-performance directory that can be deployed on premises, in the cloud or both. Plus, one that’s designed for scale and flexibility and can support regulatory compliance. Then you can synchronize your disparate data silos into one secure, high-performance data store. No matter if you perform a one-time data migration or utilize ongoing, real-time, bidirectional data synchronizations, you can create a single source of truth about your customers, partners and employees.
Synchronize data stores to create a centralized customer profile that enables personalization and consistency across channels
Scale to hundreds of millions of customers with billions of attributes (even at peak usage) so your customers never lose access
Store unstructured data as an identity attribute so your customer profiles include every important detail
Encrypt data in every state (at rest, in motion and in use) to help avoid costly data breaches and regulatory issues
After deploying your directory from Ping, you migrate and/or synchronize your data with high performance and throughput to rapidly move identity and profile data from DSEE, Active Directory, RDBMS and other repositories. Once you have your legacy servers and modern directory in sync, you can migrate applications all at once or phased over time at your own pace.
Applications need access to a consistent set of identity data regardless of where they’re deployed. The ability to deploy a directory solution on premises, in private cloud environments or to leverage a fully hosted directory solution, gives you the deployment versatility you need and helps you create a unified profile across your hybrid IT environment.
A modern directory solution is key to seamless and secure customer experiences
A modern directory solution is critical to deliver seamless, secure employee experiences
High-performance data store to securely manage identity and profile data at scale
Unite and orchestrate directory services for Internet-scale, high performance, security, and resilience
Out-of-the-box integrations make it simpler to connect to your existing data stores like Active Directory—allowing you to quickly establish a master user record and single source of truth.
Directory Integration Highlights
Customer Spotlight:
Learn Why Open Banking Chose Ping’s Identity and Access Management (IAM) Technology to Underpin the UK’s Open Banking Directory.
Today, all UK banks, financial services organizations and third-party providers who want to participate in the open banking ecosystem go through an enrollment and verification process before becoming trusted identities stored in a central Ping repository. These organizations not only meet Open Banking requirements, but they deliver a secure, seamless and personalized experience for customers.
More Directory Success Stories to Explore:
Find out how health insurance firm eHealth delivers a healthy customer experience.
Tesco Bank
Learn how Tesco Bank is using Ping customer identity to deliver a better customer experience, achieve PSD2 compliance and increase business agility.
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