a good thing!
Issue once, use everywhere.
Issue reusable credentials and reduce costs of continuous identity verification
The ability to issue credentials is the critical first step in any decentralized identity journey. A verifiable credential consists of any attribute that can be attached to a person. It contains important information about the verifiable credential including the issuer, who it was issued to, specific identity attributes, when it expires, and cryptographic proof to ensure the provenance of the verifiable credential.
Verifiable credentials present a shift in control back to users. This differs from conventional approaches that rely on a centralized registration and authentication authority. Organizations no longer need to collect and store massive amounts of personally identifiable information for even the smallest of transactions. In short, it reduces risk for a business, and gives users greater control over their identity.
PingOne Credentials gives organizations the ability to define credential templates, identity attributes, and assign either a user or population group to the credential template. As users get added to the corresponding group the digital credential is automatically issued.
Manage the entire life cycle of credentials, from definition to revocation, from a single management console. Revoke credentials on demand or based on an expiration date for automated revocation.
Credential owner must consent before credentials can be shared, including whether the full credential or only some data is shared.
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